
quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2018

Expressions in English

Hi, guys. Hope you're all well.
Hoje eu trouxe pra vocês cinco expressões muito usadas em inglês. Vamos lá?

go the extra mile: to make more effort than normal or to try very hard to achieve your target. (fazer mais esforço do que o normal ou se esforçar muito pra atingir sua meta)

If you really want this job, you will have to go the extra mile.
Yesterday I got an A on my exam. I figured I had to go the extra mile if I wanted to pass.

get it together: to organize things/to put things back on the right place. (organizar as coisas/colocar as coisas no lugar certo)
Joe has to put get it together if he wants to get there.
You need to get your life together.

get out of hand: to lose control of things. (perder o controle das coisas)
exemplos: I'm sorry. I was very angry yesterday and things just got out of hand.
Sarah needs to get her life together. If she doesn't, things will get out of hand for her.

get it out of your system: to do something you've wanted to do for a long time so you can move on. (fazer algo que você queria fazer há muito tempo pra poder seguir em frente)
You need to take this test already so you can get it our of your system.
Jessica had a good cry and got it out of her system.

step up your game: to improve your skills or talents, to start perfoming better. (melhorar suas habilidades ou talentos, começar a ter um desempenho melhor)
David has to step up his game to get this promotion.
If she want to perform this activity, she will have to step up her game.